All good goalies have only one talent in common:
They are not afraid of the ball.
Whether Marko has a fear of a ball can be easily seen by the movements of their hands in defense: If he defends their face first during each shot, and only then move their palms towards the ball, they are afraid of a ball.
Another very precise sign is the reaction after the shot: If Marko continues to defend for a few moments more, the desire to defend is greater than the pain.
At this developmental stage, shots to the goalkeeper's head do not hurt because the ball is made of sponge, but there are obvious reactions in which Marko closes their eyes at the time of defense or in each subsequent defense his first defend their face with his palms, and only then the ball.
Systematic training of "educated defense" is carried out in the later stages of development because attackers at this age are inaccurate and a goalkeeper who would adopt a method of goalkeeping in which they do not defend their face would be hit in the head several times a day.
The exercise we use at this age is very gentle and allows Mark to maintain focus on the ball without fear.
Even those handball players who are not afraid of the ball and want to be goalkeepers initially defend the body, and especially the face, with their palms.
There are handball schools in which such an (“intuitive”) style of defending is common in the senior category as well, resulting in the constant holding of the palms at chest or face height, with reactions to shots from that position.
The position of the hands and palms of the "educated style" is described in the chapter "basic position", and it results in the difference in the way of stopping balls that go close to the body, at the height of the torso and head, especially if the player shoots from 6m.
In "school defense" the goalkeeper defends with their whole body and whole arm: with the shoulder, with the upper arm, with the forearm or palm of one hand, with the hip, etc.
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